Thursday, November 22, 2012

The United States of Mexico

The unnamed author of "Four Score and Seven Blogs Ago" wrote an awesome post (in my humble opinion) for her blog stage five. Why are we so relaxed about who does and does not get to live here? I personally do not understand this. The United States is the land of opportunity, we notoriously welcome immigrants with open arms. There are thousands, hell, millions of people who migrate to this country that do it correctly. For those who cross our borders and enter this country illegally, I do not think we should accommodate these people. The people that go through the motions to live here, deserve to live here. Those who break international law, should be punished properly. I definitely agree that we NEED to secure our borders and crack down on those who have entered this country illegally. Illegals discredit those who work hard to get here. This is not a free ride, this is America. The link to my colleague's original article is below.

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