Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Obama's Got a Pair

President Barack Obama, unfortunately, is viewed by the world as a weak, non-confrontational president. I for one am under the impression that the leader of the free world should not be looked at in this way. While President Obama's foreign policy has been rocky at best, there are definitely notable hurtles he has jumped in the world community. With the election fast approaching, President Obama addressed the United Nations General Assembly this morning with some strong, confident words about America's stake in the world today. He showed his strong arm in the verbal defense of our nation and its policies. It's great to see our president stand up and put down the anti-American related violence that has been occurring these past few weeks. This article is definitely worth reading. The election is fast approaching and President Obama will surely get a campaign boost out of this. If it doesn't make you feel at least a little bit of pride and patriotism...I don't know what will. Enjoy!


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